First Grade
Vision for Literacy
All students in grades K-5 will consistently experience research-based, high-quality literacy instruction that develops both knowledge and foundational skills, and supports them to become proficient readers, writers, and thinkers.
English Language Arts
Pacing and Standards
Units, Tasks, and Resources
Pacing and Standards
Lesson Plans and Resources
1.LS2.3 Lesson Appendix B: Sunflower Story
1.LS2.3 Lesson Appendix C: Investigation Data Sheet
1.LS2.3 Lesson Appendix D: Plants are Living Things Article
1.LS2.3 Lesson Appendix E: Warm Bee Cold Bee Simulation
1.LS2.3 Lesson Appendix F: Evaluating Student Sheet
1.LS2.3 Lesson Plan: Final Task
1.LS2.3 Lesson Plan: Why do Sunflowers Follow the Sun (interdependent relationships in ecosystems)