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Robertson County Schools

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Program Placement and Proficiency Assessment

Initial identification and placement: Any incoming student whose language background, as evidenced on his/her Home Language Survey, indicates that he/she might qualify for English Learner services is assessed for English proficiency using the ELPA-21 Placement Test.

The ELPA- 21 is an assessment instrument used throughout Tennessee public schools as a screener of English language proficiency.

  • The assessments measure a student's language abilities in the four domains of listening, reading, speaking, and writing. 
  • In addition to the four domains, students receive an overall proficiency determination of Emerging, Progressing, or Proficient. 

The ELPA-21 is administered to students individually by an EL faculty member. Following assessment, parents are notified of testing results and whether their child has qualified for EL services. Qualifying students receive daily EL services and are assessed for proficiency growth annually through state testing using the ELPA-21 Summative Assessment.

 Results are shared with families at the start of the new school year and determine whether a student continues receiving EL services or begins to transition out of the EL program.

For information on ELPA-21 assessment, view the assessments page.