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Robertson County Schools

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Bus Stop Etiquette

School Bus Picking up Students

Student Bus Stop Etiquette:

  • Wait at the stop ten minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
  • Stand in a line while waiting at the bus stop.
  • No horseplay is allowed at or around bus stops.
  • Stay at least 10 feet away from the road until the bus has come to a complete stop.
  • Do not approach the school bus until it is completely stopped, lights are on, and the stop arm is deployed with red lights flashing.
  • Always remember you are a guest at the bus stop.  Be courteous, do not little and respect the property of others.
  • Dress according to weather conditions.
  • Do not chase the bus.
  • Do not cross behind the bus.
  • Personal items brought on the bus must be able to fit in a student's lap without blocking the aisle.  Balls, bats, freebees, etc. are not permissible.
  • Keep in mind that the transportation policy mirrors the school board policy regarding the use of electronics.

Parent Bus Stop Etiquette:

  • Do not park on both sides of the street while waiting for the bus.
  • Do not impede the movement of the bus.
  • Wait until after the bus leaves to pull away in your personal vehicle.
  • Have students at the bus stop ten minutes prior to the bus arrival time.
  • Do not chase the bus.
  • Do not park within 60 feet of a bus stop.
  • Get to know the other parents at your student's stop.
  • Familiarize your students with the bus stop location and the walking path to it.
  • Coordinate "walking pools" where students walk in groups to the bus stop.
  • Do not allow sports games to take place at the bus stop.
  • Please keep students out of the street and at least 10 feet away from the curb.

PARENT RESPONSIBILITY AT BUS STOPS: Although we are committed to the safety of students on the bus and at the bus stop, there are situations that require your assistance and participation in order to ensure the safety of your children when walking to and from the bus stop.  Sometimes, children can be exposed to a dangerous situation because of their own or others' behavior.  Students are under the control of their parents/guardians during the time they walk to and from the bus stop.  Robertson County Schools makes use of parent responsibility walk zones to ensure efficiency in operating routes.  As a general rule Elementary age students are typically not asked to walk more than one tenth of a mile to their designated bus stop, Middle school students not more than two tenths of a mile, and High school not more than three tenths of a mile.  Unsafe bus stops are evaluated by the Transportation Director before bus routes are modified.  Please note that students must be at the bus stop if they wish to ride the bus.  (Standing at the house, on the porch, or inside will result in your student not having a way to school).  Drivers are instructed not to blow horns for students not at the stop due to HOA rules and regulations around the District.  Drivers are not required to wait until a parent is present when dropping off or picking up students.  Pre-K students are the only classification of students who require an adult be present at the bus stop under the law.
If you have questions or suggestions, please contact the transportation department at 615-384-4555.