Tennessee Statutory Rights of Parents and Students
The department of education is required by T.C.A. 49-1-227 to annually compile a list of state laws related to the rights of students and their parents or legal guardians. This document includes a summary of the state laws that provide explicit rights to parents, legal guardians, or students. This list does not include all the legal protections and privileges afforded to students and their parents or legal guardians
If you believe that an LEA or public charter school has included or promoted a prohibited concept in a course of instruction, curriculum, instructional program, or supplemental instructional materials in violation of Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-6-1019(a), please fill out this form, sign it, and send it to the appropriate LEA or public charter school.
Please remember that general complaints about the subject matter or age appropriateness of textbooks and instructional materials that do not allege that prohibited concepts are being or have been included or promoted in a course of instruction, curriculum, instructional program, or in supplemental instructional materials of an LEA or public charter school, are not covered by Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-6-1019 and must be filed with the LEA or public charter school pursuant to the LEA or public charter school’s locally adopted policy for addressing such complaints.